Written on 2025-01-18
This is just my current .clang-format
. It's close enough to my preference given the time/effort that I put in it.
I'm posting it so that I can access it in a pinch, and share it with people who ask me for a starting point.
# This is just the default style that is closest to my preference. BasedOnStyle: Chromium # 2 spaces is too hard on my eyes. IndentWidth: 4 # 80 columns can be a little narrow at times. 100 is enough for personal projects, where I keep names short. ColumnLimit: 100 # Just putting those `&` and `*` on the right side. I care about readability, not language legalese. DerivePointerAlignment: false PointerAlignment: Left # When wrapping function arguments, give them each a line. BinPackArguments: false # I don't want half indents for access modifiers. IndentAccessModifiers: false AccessModifierOffset: -4